An Elementary Enrichment Program: Nurturing Learning Interest and Fostering Good Study Habits

5 min readJul 23, 2023


As a parent, my primary goal is to provide my children with a strong academic foundation in math and reading. I realize that the key lies in finding a program that aligns with their learning goals, sparks their interests, and cultivates essential skills like time management and study habits. Regularly reassessing their progress and learning experience ensures that the chosen program continues to meet their needs and keeps them engaged in the long run. To achieve this, I have been diligently searching for a program among Beestar, Kumon, IXL, and Beast Academy that each offers a unique approach with its advantages and considerations.

— Beestar’s Weekly Schedule caught my attention as it provides a structured weekly assignment for students. With problem solving exercises to complete every Sunday, this schedule offers a sense of consistency and routine that helps students manage their time effectively throughout the week. This structured approach is appealing to parents like me, who prefer a clear schedule and want to ensure their child dedicates time each week to math practice. Moreover, Beestar offers a wide array of subjects, including Math, Reading, Vocabulary, and Gifted Math for 1st graders, and even more options for higher grades in Science, Social Studies and Computer Science.

— Kumon adopts a Daily Workload approach. This program encourages students to work on math exercises every day, emphasizing daily practice and repetition to reinforce math concepts and build strong foundational skills. Kumon offers Math and Reading for K12 students.

Beast Academy and IXL’s Unstructured Approach allows students to work at their own pace, without predefined schedules. IXL provides more subjects for k-12 students just like Beestar while Beast Academy has Math practice for ages 6–13. This flexible and open-ended learning environment encourages self-motivated students to explore topics freely and dive deeper into areas of interest. However, I also recognize that a clear schedule might be essential for my elementary child, and he may require more guidance, support and encouragement from parents.

A community-based program emphasis on individual excellence

Beestar’s community-based program offers students a unique opportunity to work together on the same assignments as they belong to part of a global networked community. The students’ efforts and academic progresses are acknowledged and celebrated through percentile rankings and statistical analysis weekly and at the end of every term. The emphasis on individual excellence within the community allows students to experience the benefits of independent learning while still feeling connected and supported. They can work at their own pace, but their efforts are recognized and valued within the larger context of the Beestar community.

Easy access online for convenience of children and parents

The online nature of Beestar adds an extra layer of convenience. As a parent, I appreciate that my child can access the platform from the comfort of home, allowing them to engage in learning at their own pace. This accessibility also means that my child can explore additional practice if they feel the need to reinforce certain concepts or seek extra challenges.

Fostering time management and long-term interest in Learning

As I conclude my exploration, I realize that the schedule pattern that works best depends on each child’s unique learning style, preferences, and needs. What sets Beestar apart is also its emphasis on nurturing good learning habits. It also encourage this habit by giving ribbons and posts their names in the honor roll ranking when students finish their weekly exercises great and on time. The structured approach can help my child develop a routine, practice time management, and stay disciplined in managing their learning time effectively. With a structured weekly program, my kids receive assignments regularly, which encourages them to set aside dedicated time for learning each week. This consistency helps them develop a sense of discipline and responsibility, essential qualities that will benefit them throughout their academic journey and beyond. The weekly schedule leaves flexibility for scheduling all sorts of activities while still keeping academic enrichment in progress. For example, we can still have one day of the week for soccer practice and another day for cub scouts. Beestar’s weekly schedule seems ideal for fostering time management skills while maintaining long-term interest in learning.

I also read some college students sharing their experiences:

Beestar helped me develop a fascination with trying new things, be it educational or in life in general. I highly encourage everyone to challenge themselves every day by constantly putting themselves in new environments — growing and developing in the process. Thank you Beestar for the many challenges and such an incredible opportunity! ~Brian Spavik, McGill University Class 2021

Beestar was the highlight of my weekends throughout my elementary and middle school years. It was exciting for me to complete a new set of exercises every week in many different subjects, and the honor roll provided a fun challenge. Beestar has given me creative thinking skills and provided me with a solid academic foundation, which have continued to prove useful to me in the years to come. ~Evelyn Mo, Harvard University Class 2020

I love math, which is usually not something that too many people say with confidence. I attribute this love to Beestar. Growing up, my father had me on Beestar every weekend to strengthen my math skills. As a kid, I was unable to see the larger picture of the extra work I was putting in. I had no idea how much it would help me in the long run. Now I see how valuable Beestar was in developing my academic skills and confidence, and I am so grateful. ~Isabel Boratav, Oberlin College Class 2019

By choosing Beestar, I am hoping and pretty confident that this program not only enriches my child’s mind but also nurtures a positive attitude towards education, setting them on the path to success and a fulfilling educational journey. We are looking into more details about this learning system and and share more about what I find out. I hope that they provide some valuable information and insights for other parents looking for similar enrichment programs for their children.




A mom of two who works in helping K-12 students academically